AccueilICGT • LON
ICG Enterprise Trust PLC
Dernière clôture
1 292,00 GBX
Variation sur la journée
1 270,00 GBX - 1 314,00 GBX
Plage sur l'année
1 160,00 GBX - 1 390,00 GBX
Capitalisation boursière
817,62 M GBP
Volume moyen
55,27 k
Ratio cours/bénéfices
Rendement (dividendes)
2,71 %
Place boursière principale
À propos
ICG Enterprise Trust plc is a large investment company. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. In particular it is one of the largest investment trusts on the stock exchange with a market capitalisation of £820 million as at 27 November 2023. Wikipedia
Date de fondation
15 juil. 1981
Site Web