Bjorn Borg AB
kr 54.44
3월 19일, 오전 10시 7분 10초 GMT+1 · SEK · STO · 면책조항
주식SE 상장 증권
전일 종가
kr 54.92
일일 변동폭
kr 53.75 - kr 54.49
52주 변동폭
kr 44.73 - kr 67.00
평균 거래량
기본 거래소
시장 뉴스
Björn Borg AB is a Swedish apparel fashion brand named after the former professional tennis player of the same name. The company was formerly named World Brand Management, and has stores in seven European countries, with Sweden and the Netherlands being the most important ones. New markets are Germany and the United Kingdom. WBM has since 1997 an exclusive trademarks license for the name Björn Borg, which gives them the rights to produce, market and sell Björn Borg products in all countries. It bought full rights to the trademark at the end of 2006 for $18 million. It was after this deal, WBM changed its name to Björn Borg in 2017. The main products are in the category of underclothes, shoes, purses, glasses and perfume. The biggest Björn Borg product is underclothes. In 2015, the company released an advergame in collaboration with Isbit Games called First Person Lover. It is a first-person shooter in which the player can customize themselves in Björn Borg branded clothing and fight using "love weapons". Wikipedia
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