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Rabigh Refining and Petrochemicl Co SJSC
SAR 7,86
27 mrt, 16:00:01 GMT+3 · SAR · TADAWUL · Disclaimer
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SAR 7,68
SAR 7,70 - SAR 7,88
SAR 6,58 - SAR 8,92
13,13 mld. SAR
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Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Company is a Saudi Arabian– petrochemical company. Founded in 2005 as a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical, it produces and markets refined hydrocarbon and petrochemicals. It is considered the first producer of many petrochemical products and the only producer of propylene oxide in the Middle East. Petro Rabigh products are used in plastics, detergents, lubricants, resins, coolants, anti-freeze, paint, carpets, rope, clothing, shampoo, auto interiors, epoxy glue, insulation, film, fibers, household appliances, packaging, candles, pipes and many other applications. Petro Rabigh II is an expansion project valued at US$9 billion that reached full production by 4th Quarter 2017 and provided a wide range of new high value-added products, some of which are exclusive to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. It is a site next to Petro Rabigh where downstream industries utilize Petro Rabigh products as feedstock to produce chemical compounds such as polyols, polymer stabilizers, xylenes and solvents. Wikipedia
19 sep 2005
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